Year: 2023


BRC20 asset trading platform BrccSwap: a billionaire’s dream place to watch!

I. Introduction II. What is Ordinal Protocol? III. BRC20’s current track opportunities IV. Advantages of BrccSwap V. Conclusion VI. References INTRODUCTION With the continuous development of blockchain technology, decentralized exchange…Continue readingBRC20 asset trading platform BrccSwap: a billionaire’s dream place to watch!


“Crazy Crypto Night in ToKyo” co-hosted by 0x90 and viclab ended successfully

Co-hosted by 0x90 and Viclab, and co-organized by Ballen, Acara, and DIDSWAP, “Crazy Crypto Night in Tokyo” was successfully held in Tokyo, Japan this weekend. This event attracted many elites…Continue reading“Crazy Crypto Night in ToKyo” co-hosted by 0x90 and viclab ended successfully


CITEX Trading Platform: Exploring the Financial Future in the Digital Economy Era

With the development of blockchain technology, the ZK track is gradually rising and has been valued by the market. The importance of privacy protection has become increasingly prominent. More and…Continue readingCITEX Trading Platform: Exploring the Financial Future in the Digital Economy Era